EQUIMOB: Inclusive Cities through Equitable Access to Urban Mobility

Prof. dr. Ajay Bailey

Main coordinator and Professor

Dr Ajay Bailey is a Chair in Social Urban Transition at Utrecht University and holds the Dr T.M.A. Pai Endowed Chair in Qualitative Methods at MAHE, India (honorary position). With his Chair, Dr Bailey co-ordinates the Transdisciplinary Center for Qualitative Methods – a joint initiative with Manipal University. He leads the research line Global Migration, Culture and Place working at the interface of anthropology, geography, demography and public health. Dr Bailey has over 15 years of experience in qualitative research and led the NWO- ICSSR-ESRC project on ‘Ageing and well-being in a globalising world’. In the EQUIMOB project, he contributes his topical and methodological expertise in working with migrants, lower-income groups and older adults. In addition to his active involvement in the project, he also monitors the project, co-supervise the PhD candidates and postdocs, and contributes towards team building across three countries.

Contact: a.bailey@uu.nl

Profile on UU Site