Dr. Seama Mowri
PhD Scholar
Seama Mowri specializes in ethnographic and qualitative research. Her research interests are gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights, changing gender relationships, the framing of women empowerment and how that intersects with gender roles and development. She earned her bachelors in Economics from the University of Toronto, and holds an MBA from Institute of Business Administration-Dhaka University. She is also a Certified Professional in Project Management (PMP).
Prior to her appointment at Utrecht University, Mowri worked at Traidcraft Exchange, as a Senior Programme Manager, overseeing program implementation of development projects in Bangladesh. In terms of research, she served as a Senior Coordinator at BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, where she managed multiple research projects to understand how structural and social inequalities create greater vulnerability for the poorest and impact on their ability to realize their fundamental health and human rights. She has also been actively engaged in translating research into action through photo-narratives and visual representation for the broader audience.
Contact: s.s.mowri@uu.nl